40 Captioned Photos in Groups of 8

(For more detail, click on each photo to enlarge.)


1. Apertura studio in Orford, New Hampshire, adjacent the house of Academy Award nominated producer John Karol.

2. Partial view of the Coolidge project library, assembled during the initial research phase.

3. This two-volume 400-page "Treatment" was later used for structuring on-camera interviews of academics, commentators and witnesses on the personal and political life of Calvin Coolidge.

4. Mailing copies of the two-volume "Treatment" to thirteen academic advisors for review and comment.

5. Preproduction advance work. Files on 130 possible film interviewees: Blue Dots - project advisors. Red Dots - 40 filmed interviews. Content was discussed and technical matters addressed during advance meetings with all interviewees prior to filming.

6. Filming journalist Duff Gilfond who interviewed Coolidge for her book, The Rise of Saint Calvin, published in 1932.

7. Filming documents at the Library of Congress, including Coolidge's small handwritten statement, "I do not choose to run for President in nineteen twenty eight."

8. Setting up to interview historian Richard Norton Smith at the Herbert Hoover Library.



John Karol, Producer
Persistence Plus Productions
Main Street
Orford, New Hampshire 03777

Tel: . (603) 353-9067
Fax: (603) 353-4646